Ups and Downs

Saturday, January 22, 2005

The thought of life

i thought three days ago that all this laugh is going to relate to something bad but that night nothing happened the night after that i laughed again afraid of something bad happening to me i stopped immediately, and then let myself go in the arms of happiness where my friends made me laugh and i didnt care a damn... but then why is it that i have tears in my eues today?
i face these tears with a deep sorrow,
burning my soul leaving behind a deep hollow,
proud of the gift i have i try to bury this pain,
hoping there is no greater good.... no greater gain.

Tears are everywhere, but the best thing is how you keep this away how you keep the sorrow away from your life how you can keep yourself happy and i have found a way that is suitable to all.... bury it bury it int he deepest of your hearts dont let anyone see it no one can see the pain if it is buried but for that you have to a huge heart where else will you bury them? in your mind? oh that is not the way to survive naturally... bury your regrets, your pains, your sorrows... but be true to each other... honesty is what keeps me alive i am being honest aint i? i hope i am its not like i cheated, or murdered anyone.... i just.....

i dont know... oh shit i have to go i must but i shouldnt but i must

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Tremendous amount...

So what am i supposed to do... things just happen, must i be there for everything, must i be in the line for every little thing, must i be left out like this in everything, must the naive side of my soul take over everytime i am trying to help someone or be me... the questions, the problems, the issues cant they just go away... for right now let me just concentrate on future... present past is gone, future is where it is at... the skills required are limited but the work must be done it must be done, just stability is the answer but who is stable everyone changes the situations change around them and me great...
A great stepping stone people create not realizing what they are doing.... the black hearts the useless lives of theirs the desires they crave the hearts they break the sadness they ignore and the stupidity they create in their lives.... not caring about the others... the others an interesting conceptin their mind a competition, a way of life they need to get used to. Call themselves smart, ability shows that not words... no IQ in the world will help you in the real life your abilities and your true test would be on the spot and due to experience. to you i say.... Grow up...