Ups and Downs

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hot summer day

I have had two tylenols so far and nothing to eat the whole day accept a butterscotch icecream. My head is spinning in every which direction possible, every which problems are being scrutinized in my head. So much i want to say but hold back in realization of peoples' feelings. That is what one has to do right? Its how i have been brought up... take as much shit as you can and when you cant take it anymore blow up!!!

In less than a week ill be a responsible professional. Its easy to move up the responsibility chart but if you fall, your life is done with. I have tried my very best to have things stable at this point in time, so i dont come crashing down. Many things i have prepared myself for that might cause problems. Honestly i cant give two shits about it. I guess i picked the right profession...

I have been adviced to go eat. That might calm me down... Who knows...